Bankruptcy In-crisis
- Understanding bankruptcy
- A document that describes the various chapters of bankruptcy and when consumers should actually consider bankruptcy as a valid option.
- Foreclosure presentation
- A downloadable power point presentation to help consumers understand the foreclosure process.
- More information about foreclosure
- This downloadable document gives consumers a thorough understanding of the foreclosure process. Additionally, the document provides various common consumer mistakes that can be avoided.
- Getting out of debt
- From Practical Money Skills, this page gives a helpful overview concerning how to get out of debt, the various types of bankruptcy, and credit counseling.
- Bankruptcy Basics
- This page, by Nolo, is a good starting point to learn the basics about bankruptcy. The page offers a variety of helpful links concerning the different types of bankruptcy and the concept of debts being discharged.
- Filing for Bankruptcy
- From the Federal Trade Commission, this article gives information concerning filing for bankruptcy and steps needed before an individual can file.
- Legal information concerning bankruptcy
- From Washington Law Help, this page has links to various bankruptcy issues from accredited sources.
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